MAKE CNN Cover Winter Emergency In Dakotas

( – promoted by navajo)

Here’s what you get if you go to CNN’s website and search for “South Dakota    tribes  state of emergency   winter storms.” Zero.


I have been told that your area news and the National news will not carry the story for my people unless and until CNN carries it. Each day someone has told me they have gone to CNN on Facebook, their website, or called into report our story, since the 12/20/09 State of Emergency was issued.

The Press of the past called for the extermination of the American Indian, and was even upset when Custer was killed.

Peter R Decker’s “The Utes Must Go!

Its title drawn from a newspaper advertisement championing the removal of Utes in the Denver Tribune, “The Utes Must Go!” is a powerful true drama of a proud people who suffered from pioneer settlement and racisim, and who also experienced tragedy from misguided intentions, such as Indian Agent Nathan Meeker’s ill-fated attempt to turn Indian hunters into farmers, which brought about tragedy at Milk Creek in 1879.

New York Herald

Who slew Custer? The celebrated peace policy of General Grant, which feeds, clothes and takes care of the their noncombatant  force while men are killing our troops…the Indian Bureau with its thriving agents and favorites as Indian Traders, and its mock humanity and pretense as piety – that is what killed Custer.

The press of today ignores the American Indian, even when a State of Emergency is declared. See Navajo’sEmergency: Ice Storms Devastate Pine Ridge Reservation and Others,where there are some great ways to help out, please do if you can.

What is CNN’s problem?

I am asking that we all come together TODAY, Friday, January 29th, 2010 at 6pm Atlantic; 5pm Eastern time, 4pm Central, etc. pick up your phone and call the direct line to the CNN News Room at 404-827-2658. Someone needs to post here all phone numbers into CNN. We want to inundate CNN with the voices of people who care and you must be relentless in your call. At the same time we want you to handle an email campaign listed below.

Isn’t this big enough?

Here’s the iReport link Autumn Two Bulls mentions.

At the same time that those of you who can afford to call CNN are calling, to those of you who can multi-task or be online, please go now to cnn . com and click on the iReport button and register. If you are on or near one of the Reservations in South & North Dakota, please upload your pictures – but wait – lets all do this together for three full hours.

If it bleeds it leads, unless it’s concerning the American Indian – Right CNN???

Here’s a long list of people at CNN on twitter; furthermore, Here is CNN on Facebook

Once more, Navajo’sEmergency: Ice Storms Devastate Pine Ridge Reservation and Others has some great ways to help out, please do if you can.

I have to say this in a good way, and I have to be honest. I knew someone from this general area who passed away a few years ago, he helped change my life. He stood up for me when others made fun of me; he gave time he didn’t have to give and taught me some things he didn’t have to. His daughter was going to come see him one year and he was excited and a little apprehensive. She never came that year, the year after was the year he died. If I had to imagine what he’d want me to say now, he wouldn’t want me to keep attacking  CNN – that’d make him uncomfortable. All I know for sure is this: hypothermia kills, and he thought he’d see his daughter the year he died.  There’s some people down there I think I’m going to see again, and I pray for their safety and well being.

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