I Want Olbermann to Cover Pretty Bird Woman House

( – promoted by navajo)

Olbermann’s contact information

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Artwork by Tigana.

I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired of the main television media ignoring American Indian issues in general, and I’m even more sick and tired of conservative personalities spewing their racist venom towards American Indians. I think Olbermann would cover the critical issue of Pretty Bird Woman House if he were asked to by enough of us, but let’s look at some spewing of racist venom towards American Indians by conservative personalities first after a generalized observation of mine.

Ironically, conservative personalities seem to actually “mention” Indian issues more than non – Indian liberal ones by my observations alone. Take for example, Anne Coulter’s “The little

Injun that could.”


I think it’s because conservative personalities such as Coulter, Limbaugh, and O’Reilly find American Indians to be easy targets towards which they can project their racism, having accepted the lies of colonialism.


Colonial Education

The process of colonization involves one nation or territory taking control of another nation or territory either through the use of force or by acquisition. As a by-product of colonization, the colonizing nation implements its own form of schooling within their colonies. Two scholars on colonial education, Gail P. Kelly and Philip G. Altbach, help define the process as an attempt “to assist in the consolidation of foreign rule” (Kelly and Altbach 1).

Coulter, Limbaugh, and O’Reilly all seem to have accepted the lies of colonialism by my estimations of them; consequently, Limbaugh spewed anti – Indian rhetoric, while O’Reilly didn’t know what hit him. We’ll address Limbaugh first.

What in the hell was the uncompassionate, climate – disintegrating – denying – bully Limbaugh thinking when he spewed his racist venom towards eighteen year old Cheryl Charlee Lockwood  ofSt. Michaels, Alaska?

(Bold and underline mine)

A crying shame: Rush Limbaugh adds Alaskan to polarizing efforts

The young woman, Cheryl Charlee Lockwood, 18, of St. Michaels was one of several young leaders to speak during the “Youth Leadership on Climate Change” hearing. It coincided with Power Shift 2007, a national youth summit involving thousands from across the nation on what the student organizers called “the climate crisis.”

– snip –

Mr. Limbaugh’s first-day reaction was to inaccurately and insultingly describe Ms. Lockwood as a 13-year-old Inupiat (she’s Yup’ik) girl from Alaska and cast her on par with the white actor who played the “crying Indian” during 1970s TV commercials aimed at littering. He decried her emotional testimony as a nauseating Democrat ploy.

– snip –

The coup de grace was Mr. Limbaugh laughing with a woman caller who claimed to be a former Alaska resident, now “a Texan by choice.” Of Ms. Lockwood’s testimony she said, “if they’re losing their way of life, that would probably mean the liquor store was closing.”

What a disgusting and vile expression of modern racism. Add that to the truths that at least in Tulsa, “American Indians are more likely to be regarded with prejudice than are other minorities by white TU students, a study shows,” and this racist remark that was spewed after the Oklahoma Centennial protest –

Indians mark centennial with protest march at state Capitol

To all my Indian brethren – for those who are unhappy with what the “imperialists” did to your culture – move to the panhandle, set up teepees, and hunt for your food. If that’s what you want to go back to, quit whining and protesting and JUST DO IT!

– and the picture of racism against American Indians just keeps becoming larger and more complete. So,  what was Limbaugh thinking?

He was thinking anti – Indian and racist thoughts. Glaringly obvious, he would never cover Pretty Bird Woman House, except in a racial and discriminatory manner. What about O’Reilly?

O’Reilly might still be in an emotional hangover from being put aptly in his place.


As it turned out, Bill O’Reilly himself was among those to see the video. Television’s angriest talking head was not pleased. O’Reilly responded to the video by airing it on his Fox News cable program and calling the Fairies “nutso” and “child abusers,” among other things, while suggesting that social services open a case to track down the little girl. Thankfully for the little girl, social services stayed away, but the attention did not. The video exploded across the blogosphere, and a million and a half hits and several death threats later, these child-abusing atheists became the 18th most subscribed-to band in the history of YouTube, right behind platinum-selling MC Mike Jones.

So, scratch racist, conservative, Bush Republicans off the list for possibly helping; I think Keith Olbermann (email here) is the one to contact, don’t you?

Please make a donation to the Pretty Bird Woman House if you can, and let’s get Keith Olbermann in on this.

Mr. Olbermann,

I respectfully request that you seriously consider covering the Pretty Bird Woman House in a future broadcast.

The vital information that you need to know is at the internet location listed below.


Thankyou for your time and consideration. Please help.




  1. there IS a worse person in the world than Bill O’Reilly. Just went to that link.

    Really, can you think of anybody worse than he is? I’d go live in Iran before I lived under any of the fascist visions he has for the U.S.

  2. I just shake my head every time I have to think about his very,

    negative contributions to this world.

    Arrogant enough he said that HE was the No.2 most criticized person after Bush, taking pride in it. Disgusting.

  3. I’ve read about the help being given to PBWH and I also think Olbermann would be a good reporter if you can get him. The sad thing is that each and every rez in South Dakota has an underfunded, desperate womans house that is struggling to survive on pitiful funds. Some on larger reservations where the needs are even greater, at least in numbers, than Cheyenne River.
      Here where I live on Rosebud, the “White Bufalo Calf Pipe Womans Society” is doing the same hard job on very limited resources. Tribes are doing what they can but with winter coming on they’ll be spending their descretionary funds on heating needs. Private and foundation funding is hard to get and even harder to maintain for the long run, yet the needs are increasing with the population. Welfare reform has been a disaster on the rez because the poverty is endemic in a population where 75% of the population is unemployed. We’re seeing an epidemic of child suicides and other social ills all of which can be traced to the grinding poverty and it’s lack of a solution. I hope someone like Olberman can use the PBWH to highlight the whole problem.

  4. Hello Folks, sorry I have been away for awhile. I first was out in Vegas for G2E (gaming show) and I’ve been very busy with this campaign going on. I’ve been able to keep up with most of your postings while I was out. I would love to see Keith O. do a piece on this story because it needs to be told. I was telling some people about it and they thought that I was telling a story from back in the 1920’s. Keep plugging away and getting on KOS and maybe we can also try to keep this story in the headlines. I am speaking at the 5 nations (MAST) conference in December, do you know any people that may be there? Keep your heads up and keep trying. We all support you in what you are doing.

  5. I’m sorry to have to ask this and it broke my heart.

    Take a deep breath, or finish what you were doing first and then

    What do you want us to do next, if anything?  

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