Christian Imperialism

November 1, 2016 admin 0

One example of religious imperialism can be seen in the era following the Age of Discovery which began in the fifteenth century. European kings, and later […]

The 14th Amendment

The 14th Amendment

December 7, 2015 admin 0

Following the Civil War in 1868, the United States adopted the Fourteenth Amendment as one of the Reconstruction Amendments. It was intended to deal with […]

The Antiquities Act

March 21, 2012 admin 0

Interest in a scientific understanding of the history of North America prior to the European invasion and a desire to obtain legislation to protect our […]

Justice Denied in the 1870s

Justice Denied in the 1870s

February 19, 2012 admin 0

Equal protection under the law is a legal and social concept which has often not been viewed as applicable to American Indians.  During much of […]