questions about spitriual culture


     I have a question,but first let give some

background information.

     I am 64yrs old,my mother was northern

    Cheyenne and my father was Lakota Sioux,I

was raised on Standing Rock Res. untill we(my

brothers and sister) were adopted off the Res,

I haven’t seen them or my parents again. I have

been back to both Reservations servial times in

years past trying my best to find out about my

family but always seem to hit roadblock.

      My question is how does one keep the faith

and Spiritual beliefs of our culture in a   society that is so negative towards anything that

is different than theirs

  any words of advice would be welcome

   Charlie  Yellowfeather

     mitakuye ouasin


  1. I’m an assimilated NDN. My mom was born on the Navajo rez but I was born in a city in Utah.

    I live in the San Francisco Bay Area suburbs.

    Like you I’m trying to connect with my spiritual heritage, I pretty much shun all christianity and organized religion because I feel it is in a direct conflict with NDNs.

    It’s very difficult to keep our cultures alive but many are trying.

    I read as much as I can about my heritage regarding history and the internets are perfect for that. My advice would be to read as much as you can find and you’ve found a community here who will emphasize with your desire to find your relations on Standing Rock.  I’ve only one connection on Standing Rock and she is finding it hard to make ends meet everyday. Not sure she can be helpful to you.

    Others who read this blog may know someone with family history backgrounds and perhaps have some suggestions.

    I hope you’ll post more here and make comments on other diaries.

  2. Sorry to hear that you keep running into roadblocks.  It’s hard; a lot of records no longer exist (or never did), and the boarding school era was one everyone wants to forget, although for different reasons.

    I’m mixed-blood Ojibwe (plus Irish/German and African American), and we were raised without the language, etc.  Learning it as an adult is certainly much harder.  And it is hard to maintain your spiritual traditions when there’s no one around to help you do it.

    I’m lucky.  My other half is Tiwa, and although there are a lot of differences among our tribes’ practices, there are some fundamental similarities in terms of how they approach life.  And it helps to have someone who understands how important it is to you to hang onto whatever pieces of identity you can in today’s world.  But in terms of day-to-day spiritual practice, I’m pretty much alone.

    And you know what?  It’s turned out that I’m okay with that.  Because it’s all between me and Spirit anyway, and as long as I’m doing my best to do what Spirit requires, I think that’s what matters most.  Do I sometimes get something wrong?  I must.  But I really do believe that Spirit prizes intent over appearances and details.

    And incidentally, this community has been wonderful for providing moral support.  I’ve been blessed to find the folks here, and they teach me every single day.  So welcome – hope you can find an online home here.

    Apane bimaadiziwin (loosely translated, “always go well through life”) ~

    ~ Aji

  3. cultural spiritual beliefs.

    There are many folks here that are qualified to answer and guide you, but I wanted you to know I’m glad you are here, you are not alone, or unique, in your journey.

    Much was taken from you that was beyond your control, don’t let anyone take your culture and spiritual beliefs.

    navajo gave very good suggestions, and she is right about there being a lot of good people around here.

  4. While I’m not of Native American descent (that I know of), I can assure you that we have a number of knowledgeable, wise people here who can surely provide you with support. Please stick around and join the conversations. Looking forward to hearing more from and about you.

  5. You are still a seeker, and I admire that you aren’t giving up in your search for your roots.

    Me too. At 68, I don’t know much about my heritage. I was born in an orphanage and my birth records are sealed. This site is a good way to connect with others with NDN backgrounds. Site members have been very kind and helpful to me, as they will be to you.

    You are part of two very rich heritages, Charlie. I hope you will become more connected to your birthright.  

  6. Like many others here, I wasn’t raised on the reserve (that’s Canadian for reservation) and I don’t really speak much of the language. I am fortunate to have had some guidance when I was young–including the vision quest. Today I often serve as the ceremonial leader in a mixed community, being called on to conduct ceremonials for people from many different tribal backgrounds. It is possible to find and maintain the Native Spiritual path off of the rez.

    Tribal background note: I’m conducting a wedding ceremony this summer which will  include Jewish elements as the bride is Jewish.

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