Rachel Maddow: Please Have Red Town Radio Host (My Friend) Discuss Violence Against NA Women (Poll)


I’m asking for your help. Below is a letter I’m sending to Rachel Maddow to have my friend on her show, and hopefully more consistently to discuss American Indian issues. As you may know, I think that is sorely needed. All I’m asking you to do is say something supportive or kind, so I can send this diary with the email, if there is enough positive response, to Rachel Maddow as evidence she should have Brenda Golden on her program to discuss violence against Native American women.

Ms. Maddow,

I am hoping you will have my friend, Brenda Golden, on your show as a person who can speak about violence against Native American women. Who is Brenda Golden?

Brenda started SPIRIT, the Society to Protect Indigenous Rights and Treaties in Oklahoma, organized protests at the state capitol, and she brought awareness to the extremely unfair sentencing of American Indians, such as the wealthy getting lighter sentences for identical crimes.

She has had her own Blog Talk Radio show highlighting Native American issues (http://www.blogtalkradio.com/marthafasthorse/2012/01/19/brenda-golden–red-town-radio), and she has spoken at protests. As the result, and I know from knowing her, one of the predictable consequences of her being so outspoken is difficulty finding employment. Nonetheless, she’s been relentless in helping people, she always puts her family first, and she even ran for tribal council.

I watched Brenda take the bar exam while experiencing a great deal of difficulty. She passed it; subsequently, she practices law. If there’s anybody in my experience who deserves to have the recognition and spotlight to speak eloquently about American Indian issues in a national setting – it is her.

I sincerely request that you have Brenda on your show not only to discuss the issue of violence against American Indian women, but please consider having her on to speak on Native American issues. Why? There is no one in the national spotlight who has the role of speaking out about American Indian issues, and in my opinion that is severely needed now.

Thank you,

Winter Rabbit
(contact information in email to be sent in 48 hours or less)

Brenda Golden
(contact information in email to be sent in 48 hours or less)


Poll21votesShow Results

Should Rachel Maddow have Brenda Golden on her show to discuss sexual violence against American Indian women?

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Should Rachel Maddow have Brenda Golden on her show to discuss sexual violence against American Indian women?

Yes 21 votesNo 0% 0 votes

1 Comment

  1. I think that for too many years the American Indian has been taken from their Tribal lands and relocated to areas that have benefited the Government at the expense of the tribes of the Indian Nation. It is time to stand up to the abuse and neglect that has been heaped upon the American Indian by our government!

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